Monday, February 21, 2011

Project 1 distributed by weeks, until Due Date


We are in the second week after the presentation of Project 1, and we need to move fast to define everything related to it, because Spring Break is coming soon. These are the activities for the following days:

02.21.11: Quick presentation of topic. Justification, data found during the last days, information about topic. Preliminary audience. What's is the biggest problem to solve? (These issues correspond to the fist parts of the Creative Brief).

02.23.11: Creative Brief completion + Critique of First Sketches. The Creative Brief will serve as your base to continue developing your infographic in the next days. You will present the most important information from your Creative Brief to the class first. All of you are expected to give feedback to your classmates.

After talking about your Creative Brief, you will show your first infographic sketches. In big pieces of paper, make sketches, use color, propose structures, organizations of the information, iconography, etc. Don't work small, work in the biggest pieces of paper you can find! This will prepare you for the first prototype critique on 03.02.11. It is important to have a solid prototype to critique that day, because Spring Break is what follows.

After this critique, start working on the computer. Take into consideration the feedback and comments given in class from the rest of the class.

02.28.11: Personal meetings, students + Gaby. We will specifically define issues related to typography, hierarchy, color, scale, images or iconography. For that reason, it is imperative for you to show me print-outs or bring your computer with your visual ideas, as defined and resolved as possible.

After this meeting, make the changes needed and prepare your design for the First Prototype Critique on 03.02.11.

03.02.11: First Prototype critique. Presentation to the class of a real size printed prototype of your infographic ideas to date (plotter printing available at the architecture lab). Feedback from the class will be given, so, it is important to take notes and consider all the suggestions.

Use the following days to improve the design and carry out the user-testing activity. You are required to send me final prototype files through email anytime on March 4, 5, and 6. I will send you comments and suggestions so you can finesse the designs in time for user testing.

Spring Break (March 5-11). Use these days for user-testing activities (the earlier you do it the better). Remember that you have to keep notes and a photographic record of your user testing activity, which have to be included in your Creative Brief.

03.14.11: Final Prototype Presentation. Bring a printed prototype of your design. You will receive feedback to make the final changes before the final due date, on 03.16.11.

03.16.11: Final Infographic Critique. Formal presentation of your infographic, which will be supported by a one-page statement and your presence in the activity. Faculty from the School of Art will be invited to this presentation. You are also encouraged to invite faculty from your departments that day. This is an opportunity to show the new knowledge acquired and your ability to find a communication problem and solve it successfully.

Let's talk about this timetable in class. Remember that keeping the communication channels open between us is important to develop a better design process.

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