Monday, March 7, 2011

grain like rain

Here is my infographic, it's probably not that great, but i definitely put a lot of work into it... The purpose is to compare where grain comes from, and where it goes, and what countries can sustain themselves in a food crisis. I was inspired by Russia's ban on grain exports a little while ago, which caused a domino effect, since if a country needs to import large amounts of food, then if other countries stopped exporting, those countries would face a serious problem.
*Note: I noticed the textbox under india is crooked, and fixed that, but it's a lot of trouble to convert to a jpg, so I left this version up.


  1. It's looking great, Paul! The map is crisp, and I like the addition of the facts. I still think the title could be larger.

  2. Nice work Paul! Some things to fix:

    - Make the tittle bigger, it needs more attention, more hierarchy.
    - Change the color of the text over the bar on the bottom, it is hard to read.
    - What other colors have you used for the background? Maybe a lighter blue could look better.
    - It feels that the bar is crooked? It might be just me, but check that out. Also, the bar could be smaller.
    - Consider making the text blocks of some color, even white. They look very timid just by using an outline.

  3. This is really pulling together nicely. Just a few nitpicky things (sorry!):
    -the outlines on the countries aren't all the same thickness and some countries don't have outlines. I see that the bar on the bottom is the same way, I don't know what is purposeful or not, but I recommend having black lines between all the countries as it gives a nice map-like quality
    -the text above the bar, beyond being a hard color to read seems to be pixelated (it looks fuzzy)
    -what do you mean the EU is represented as one body?
    -the millions/billions of people being malnourished, is this world wide? (maybe a title on this section would be helpful, it almost seems you like you are talking about Africa exclusively)
    -there seem to be different shades of red, is this purposeful?

    Its looking good and certainly come along way, just got to fix up the little things :)
