Saturday, March 5, 2011

Some Changes

I've updated my project since the last time I posted, so before you all comment on my last question, I wanted to give you the most up to date version.


  1. I feel that is much improved indeed.

  2. I love the additions you've made. It's looking really good.

  3. Dots! I like the text additions about FSU and the state of Florida, but I think it is a bit misleading since your title is at UF. It is almost as if there is one forced rape in Gainesville every 8 hours as opposed to in the state since the text there doesn't include a contrast with Gainesville (same with the murder and burglary). when you contrasted UF's numbers with FSU's the distinction was very clear.

    The time scale for the murders, rapes, and burglaries made me wonder about the time scale of all of the data. Are these reports within one year, or one month, or...?

    Placing all the residents on the graphic is incredible, I admire your bravery :D It is looking very cool.
