Friday, March 4, 2011

My infographic so far!

Hey everyone,
Not sure if you can see this too clearly but this was the only way I could figure out to post it as a jpeg. What do you think of this layout? I decided vertical may be better to create more text space. Is it too much text? (I'm not done with all of it). I am trying to keep it simple with color, so I chose not to use many.

I'm going to be doing volunteering work in Mississippi during break so I will most likely not be able to check this until I get back.

Have an awesome break!!


  1. It's looking really good! I'm feeling the iconography - it looks really good. I think that you could combine the legend with the issues. You could use one of these things } to indicate the cow, dollar sign, heart, and flower are issues. Also, is "Root" a play on words? because I'm not sure I get it. Overall, it looks very nice. Hope you have a good time in Mississippi :D

  2. Excellent, I wish i had picked such a simple, yet effective design. It's a bit unclear on the health and environment impacts though, and the animal category could be worded a bit more objectively, but it's a great graphic.

  3. It is looking good Amanda.

    These are some of the comments I already sent you:

    - It seems that it needs a little more of organization in the space, specially in the lower part. Are you following a grid to organize your texts?

    - Also, the body text can be smaller than how it looks like right now.

    - The icons on the map, I assume you are going to include something to support why they are in the middle of the path...?

    - The viewer needs some more help in the coding/legends, knowing what's what.

    - Look at the comments from your classmates above. They are also very accurate.

  4. Wow, its really all coming together. The simplicity is very nice. I am not sure about the title, I feel like it should incorporate the journey of the food to the table, "root" makes me think of trees and growing crops. Are you going to have a background texture, image, color? I think a little more color somewhere could be aesthetically pleasing and would help bring the map and the information together.

  5. What about including a total of the fuel and water usages to get food across the country? I don't know if that information is available though? I also agree with Emily about the title, conjures up the wrong images. It looks really good though, I like the iconography!
