Monday, March 21, 2011

I've finally posted this on the blog (sorry)! The user-testing is going okay, but feel free to share any last minute thoughts.


  1. I really like the color scheme you decided on. One quick comment you may have already caught - under the stimulant section, there's a typo - "fir" instead of "for".

  2. Hello Andrea,

    It really looks much better.

    Some important things to consider:

    - There is a tendency to relate the colors of the slices of the piechart and the descriptions of the types of drugs. If you don't want the people to relate the colors used in the piechart and the types of drugs, use colors that are unrelated.

    - Also, the color used in the Hard Drug description and the Depressant tend to relate, although I don't think that's what you wanted to do.

    - Pay special attention to typos... I found several.

    - Could you add a little bit more of line spacing in the text lines? Just for improving readability.
