Monday, March 14, 2011

Today's "Serious Play" Notes

· Video: Serious Play

· Tim Brown, May 2008 from Ideo

· Exercise: draw a quick sketch of the person next to you, 30 second sketch

o Findings: Audience’s embarrassment of showing ideas to peers or those considered peers

o This fear causes conservative behavior and thinking, restricts flow of ideas

o Kids have no embarrassment and readily share ideas, but adults do not and kids grow into this

· Trust makes it easier to take creative risks,

o Design interfaces and work environments made to relax people

· Symbols in work place remind people of a permissive environment, and encourage them to become playful, playfulness is important

· Creativity helps things get better and improves results

· Adults must relearn creativity and play to accomplish this

· Role playing limited or diminished throughout development

· Analogous/vicarious experiences are roleplayed prototype experiences

· Modes: divergent more playful and convergent more serious

o Movement through these two modes are important

· We need trust to play and trust to be creative

· Behaviors useful as kids: exploration, building, and role play

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