Sunday, March 20, 2011

Revised infographic

Hope everyone had a good weekend! If people wouldn't mind looking at my final infographic, that would be appreciated! I want to user-test it tomorrow. Is there too much text? Are the colors ok? Is everything clear? On the bottom right is the whole poster and then I split it up into 1st and 2nd halves on the left. Thanks!


  1. That came out really nice - very simplistic and to the point. The only thing I would add would be the Gainesville farmers markets that go on Wednesdays at Bo Diddley and Fridays and Sundays at the Green Market. those are the only two I know of, but there might be more.
    The title is good, but I feel like it could be more eye-catching or more explanatory about your poster. Your poster focuses more on the negative impact of our food route than on the route itself.

    Looks great! Good luck with your user activity!

  2. True, I will try and brainstorm some more titles. And I did consider adding farmers markets, but since my poster didn't focus on produce and the markets don't typically sell meat/dairy, I decided against it. Thanks Emily!

  3. Amanda, your infographic looks more complete now. I think it has the information needed and the symbology is good.

    Some things to consider:

    - The green color of the diagram looks detached from the rest of the piece. I recommend using a more subtle color, that still catches the attention, but not all the attention from the piece.

    - Also, try to simplify/shorten the text in that part. Use keywords and short sentences, so it reads faster, allowing the reader get a fast conclusion from it.

    - I think the tittle is something that can be explored to communicate meat and dairy consumption from other states vs. regional options, which is, at the end, the main message. Something short, catchy, and easy to understand.

    - Remember to include all your sources in the inforgraphic. This can be small print.

    - Could you give some extra hierarchy to Local Alternatives in Gainesville? It is important info and it needs to look more important from the rest. Another solution could be making the iconography/legend smaller.
