Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Infographic! Project 1

I think the images are mostly done, I might have to do a little touching up. Sketches to digital images is new and fun, and time consuming :)
The text isn't finished yet, but the maps are complete, just got to add a key to differentiate between the colors. What do you all think ?

(there is a white border around the image and the text and branches do extend onto it, I realize displaying it here that it has a white bkgd, so the border is lost....)


  1. Looking good, Emily! I really like the drawings.

    My comments:

    - Make the maps smaller, because in some cases they are competing with the palms, specially the ones on the top. Also, align the maps with the text, so they don't look apart. You did a good job in that sense with the Coconut Palm.

    - I think you can move the Saw Palmeto a little down. There is enough space around it to do so.

    - The Cabage Palm and the Coconut Palm need some ground. They look like they are floating in the air.

    - There is a line that extends from the bottom of the Cabage Palm and keep going straight down to the edge. Get rid of that.

    - To make it look even better and more elegant, you can invest a little more time with the Magic Wand on Photoshop and keep eliminating the white background of the images, so they look cleaner when placed on the colored background.

  2. I really like the background and illustrations. It's looking really cool. I can't wait to see it printed. I think you could play around with the organization a little bit.

  3. well, it looks beautiful, though I don't really know what that white line on the left of the main palm is, and it looks like the saw palm needs to be colored in, and the cabbage seems to be glowing white, though I don't know if the last part is intentional, if so then it's ok. Good job.

  4. Thanks everyone for your comments! I hadn't even noticed the silly white line that was still present in the coconut image.
